Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Russ and Jen McElveen came to visit me this past week. We had a great time! Jen and I had an especially memorable day. In the past we have always had several sets of house keys and for some reason this house we don't. Well the whole point to that is Jen and I went to the grocery store, Russ told us he would be at the house so we didn't take any keys to get in. We got back and used the garage door opener to get in the gate. He was no where to be found. I also forgot to mention that Jen is pregnant so keep that in mind. So we can't get in the house, Jen is pregnant so what does that mean?! We all know the answer to that....she has to use the bathroom. Now!!! We tried to use a credit card to break in, we looked in all the windows, all of which have bars on them. I was able to see a set of keys on the coffee table. Jen was able to pry open a small window, so we figured we could use a broom to try and pick them up. Yeah not long enough. I did find a curtain rod though and it was long enough. Then I said to Jen, "too bad we don't have any duct tape to put on the end to make it sticky and you could just pick it up that way." I did find some electrical tape though. By this time she REALLY had to go so she's telling me to pretend that we're on Survivor and we only have a minute to get in the house. We made it!

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