Monday, April 28, 2008

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to me! Yesterday was my birthday and though it had a rough start it ended up being a great day. I started my day by having to get up at 5:30AM. That was definitely the rough part. After I finally got myself together I remembered that my sister had sent a present with me so I would have something to open. I did just that. It is the most amazing purse ever!!! So I had to call her right away and tell her how much I loved it. I finally got out of the house after three attempts. All of which were because I kept forgetting things! I picked up James and we were off to the precario. We actually made good time and were early but our help was already there waiting for us. Our task for the day was to lay ceramic tile in the rancho. The doctor that is running the clinic in our rancho got tile donated and so we started the process of laying it. Some of the ladies came by to sing happy birthday to me. That really meant a lot. I also got time to visit with some of the kids in the precario too. We got to the precario at about 6:30am and got out by about 3pm not too bad. It does look pretty good though. Needless to say I was filthy and needed some water to drink and some for a shower as well. I did just that and then had a great meal with friends. They brought me flowers, sang and had a brownie pie with ice cream. A pretty good day I must say cuts and all.