Saturday, January 26, 2008

New Year

Well I'm getting back into the swing of things here. I arrived back in the country on the 18th. Ladies bible study was yesterday and it seemed as though the ladies were excited to be back together. I always enjoy that time so much. They did make me realize that I must not say much at all because I had a very small comment to add to the discussion and they all quieted down to hear what I had to say like it was such a big deal for me to even speak. I guess that means that I definitely have to start saying more in our time together. We went downtown last night and it was a little cooler so there weren't too many people out. We had a couple of nice conversations with a couple of guys that work downtown. They are people we see every week but because there are so many people out usually they are pretty busy and don't have much time to talk, so that was nice to get to know them a little better. We delivered a baby basket today and found 2 more babies to deliver to next week and lots more ladies to add to the list that are pregnant. We also took food to two different families. We walked, talked, and passed out suckers along the way too. It was great to be back in the precario. Monday I am going to Immigration with a woman from the precario. She is in the process of getting her papers for residency in Costa Rica. Once she gets these papers she can get a job and help her family to get out debt which will mean that they can start saving some money and one day move out of the precario. We are all so excited for her.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all. We recently had our gift give away. We were blessed to be able to privide gifts to over 1000 children this year! The biggest part of this give away was at our precario. We gave around 750 presents there. It only took 5 hours to complete this task!!! Yeah! I am so excited because last year it took 3 days! We had a group from True North Church in North Augusta, South Carolina come and help us this year. Thank you to all of them.

Here are a few photos. Enjoy.