Saturday, September 01, 2007

Christmas in August

We are preparing for our annual Christmas gift giveaway. We are preparing a census to have a list of all the children 10 and below that live in the precario. We are also revising our map. All of the houses have new numbers. It's been a lot of work, but I hope that it will mean less work when Christmas comes and it's time to give out the gifts. We gave away about 750 gifts last year. I'm sure we will exceed the 1000 mark this year. Part of why it's taking so long is each house has 5 or 6 kids. That's a lot of writing. Juliana has been helping me each Saturday. I don't even think I'm 1/2 way through and we already have over 400 names. There are lots and lots of kids, and those are only the ones that are 10 and under. I'm very tired today but I know this will make a difference when December comes.

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