Friday, July 27, 2007

The Diagnosis

Remember the lady that we took to have a test run? Her name is Arlene. She was not feeling well and had been to her doctor who referred her to a specialist who had done an xray. This is were they found a growth in her brain. She needed another test that was very costly. Because God is so good he provided that money for her and we were able to be part of that. We took her for the test and she was very nervous. She was very excited though to be able to share her testimony about God providing the money she needed for this test. The test did not take long and we were back on our way to the precario. She picked her results up and made her appointment with her doctor. I am so happy to report that it was NOT cancer! It's a cyst that is in the middle of her brain and it is treatable with medication. She has already started the treatments and is beginning to feel much better. The feelings of severe depression are lifting and she has more energy. Needless to say she is praising God! I am just so thankful that I got to be part of this whole thing. Pretty cool!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Way cool!! That's awesome news! :)