Friday, October 12, 2007


One thing never changes. There will always be babies. I recently went to the states. I was gone for a little over two weeks. In that time we had 5 new babies born in the precario! Those are just the ones I know about. There could possible be more. I love delivering baskets to the new moms, or the moms that this is the 5th addition to their family. Babies always remind you of hope. We all need a little hope in our lives. They have it right there in their little faces as they look at you. They don't know that they've been born into a family that is struggling to have food each day, they just know that they are loved and cherished. As poor as most of our families are, giving a baby away is not an option. They will do everything in their power to make sure they have enough to eat, and clothes to wear. They may do without for themselves, but they try their best to have what their children need. No X-boxes or Gameboys here, just flat soccer balls and lots of love.

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