Saturday, June 16, 2007

Back in Costa Rica

I made it! I am traveling with another girl from Stevens Creek. We had our flight to Miami cancelled before we go to the airport in Atlanta. We found out we would be routed through Dallas which meant there was a possiblity of meeting up with Phil who is the founder of our ministry. Anyway that did happen and we were going to be on his flight. While we were waiting they asked for volunteers to take a later flight. They gave us $500 flight vouchers, hotel accommodations, and food vouchers. Isn't God great! Now I will have enough to make another flight back and forth to the states. Yeah!!! But it gets better. They also bumped us up to business class. I've never flown this before. The seats are much larger, they serve you a drink as soon as you sit down. Dinner was a three course meal with real glass ware and real linens. Unbelievable! I felt a little bad for the people in the back. So we got in late Thursday instead of Wednesday which means we lost a work day.

We made up for that yesterday though. We have lots of work to get ready for our first team that's coming from LA. They get here Monday. I was able to get to the precario yesterday. The ladies were having bible study. They were all very excited to see me and even more so when I told them I was here to stay not just for a visit this time. The babies are not babies anymore. Well speaking of lots of work, I need to get started on some.

1 comment:

april said...

Joy.....believe it or not...i am actually going to follow your blog this time around! I am saving it a sa favorite as we speak...or should i say type. I was laughing out loud at how good God is when i read this blog. your next flight home already paid for and then some!!! Then I was thinking....who would have thought....two little humble missionaries flying dog gone first class.....only the best for those who deserve it!!! I can't wait to see what else He does in and through and for you while you are there this time. Tell jennifer to let me know when she starts her blog. Love you and praying for you.