Monday, October 03, 2005


Things have been a little different around here. The man that collects for the electric bill in the precario ran off with all the money. (about $4000) So now one section doesn't have power. It's our section of course! We haven't had power for about two weeks. We are hoping that it will be turned back on today. Because there hasn't been lights we haven't been able to have English or computer classes. Everyone is asking when they will start again. Computer classes will have to wait but Jennifer has decided that if it's not back on soon we'll just move the classes close to the front of the rancho and make them earlier in the day so we can use as much natural light as we can. We have also been contemplating buying a generator, but they are very expensive. So who knows what will happen. We are going to do a clothes outreach this week. I'll let you know how that goes.

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