Monday, August 15, 2005


We are pretty much into our routines here. Sunday: Church and then 2 computer classes and 3 English classes. Monday: errands and Beca in the evening. Tuesday: our day off. Wednesday: errands and Beca in the evening. Thursday: Family day. Friday: Women's Bible Study. Saturday: every other is a food outreach. Of course there are always baby baskets to be delivered and work to be done at the rancho or ministry house. Those things get done when there's nothing else to do. HA! HA!

We had quite a rainstorm Sunday afternoon. It took us 40 minutes to get home from the precario. It's usually a 10-15 minute drive. The water was really deep and the car kept stalling. I offered to push.

Today is Mother's Day. It's a National holiday here. No school and lots of places are closed today. Learning about the culture is really cool. Some things are the same but there are always some differences.

I got my driver's license! That's scary isn't it? You have to wait in lines for a couple of hours just like in the states! I could have driven with my license from the states but it's only good for 90 days. I figured I was going to be here longer than that so I'd better go ahead and get one.

I started Spanish lessons. Jennifer gives an outrageous amount of homework! Even the Beca kids felt sorry for me. I can translate what I read pretty well and I understand some of what is said but I definitely can't say anything back yet. That will take a long time. I'm not complaining though. After sitting through the advanced English class and them having to learn all the exceptions to every rule they learn Spanish isn't so bad. It sounds just like it's spelled unlike English. For some reason I keep having trouble with the "A" sound. It's funny but that's the sound that the English student's have trouble with too.

Sorry about the mix up with the pictures. You'll have to go to the website directly. For some reason I can't put in a link. Also the new pictures are at the bottom of the page so just keep scrolling down.
Hey it looks like it might be linking for me. I guess just try it. Keep writing!


Gene said...

So did you have to take a road test to get your driver's license? Does Jennifer yell at you like she yells at Russell when you pull out in front of traffic?


Joy said...

No, no road test. Isn't that scary! To be honest I haven't driven yet. I'm sure she will though.