Saturday, April 04, 2009

April 2008

G is for gente. Gente means people. We have been counting all the people in the precario. We recently renumbered all the houses in the precario and made a new map with the new numbers. That was lots of work but well worth it when it came time to use the map for the census. We are completing this census first of all to get an accurate count of how many people are there but then also we will place this information in a data base that will allow us to make reports, pull data that will allow us to help the people there much more effectively. We had a large group of volunteers last Sunday and we were able to get to 119 houses out of 486. We have a long way to go but it has been fascinating to hear everyone’s stories. The people have been very excited to have us doing this census. If we miss their house they send their kids running after us to make sure we know they are there and they want to be counted. Isn’t that how we all feel? We want people to know we are here and we matter.March 2009 046.jpg

H is for hay. Hay means there is or there are. Well there is a new tutoring center. The Lincoln students have opened their second tutoring center this week! We are so excited. We are using a building near the school to tutor the kids in the neighborhood. We had nine kids our first week. That’s pretty cool. They are working hard to start tutoring centers all over Costa Rica. They are meeting with other schools to partner with them to start tutoring centers in their own neighborhoods. They are awesome!

I is for interceptar . Interceptar means to intercept. That is exactly what I did at the last camp we had for the 10th grade Lincoln students. In the process I broke a finger. As soon as it happened I said I thought I broke it but when it came to going to the hospital I decided that it was most likely just jammed. Hey, we were in the mountains and it’s quite a drive to a hospital, plus who wants to sit and wait and have them tell you it’s just jammed and you are a baby?! Well it hasn’t gotten much better so I went to hospital and it is broken and of course not healing as it should. They said at first they wanted to re-break it, but when I saw the orthopedist he said they couldn’t control the break enough to guarantee that it would make it better. So I will keep my finger just as it is. I think that I’m retired from my football career though. Sad day…

March 2009 015.jpg

Please make donations to Stevens Creek Community Church with Costa Rica in the memo.


Phone: (706) 522-4386

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