Tuesday, July 17, 2007

God's Gift

Just wanted to share a God story with you. On Thursday I received my support check from the church. It was for a lot more than I was expecting. So much so that I was able to pay off all of my credit card debt! I felt sick to my stomach though. I couldn't decide if it was because I thought it was a mistake or I felt unworthy or what it was. I couldn't sleep so I decided to read my bible. I opened to the verse that says: "It is better to give than to receive". So now the good part....
There is a woman in our ladies bible study at the precario who has been having some health issues. The doctors have recently found a tumor in her brain. She needed another test. The amount of money needed for that test is the exact amount of my tithe for my church check and my last check from work! I was able to tell her at bible study on Friday to make the appointment for the test. I made sure that she knew that the money was a gift from God and not from me. She made the appointment and called last night to tell us. I couldn't sleep at all last night. I was worried about her and about what we would do next once the results came in. I finally fell asleep and when I woke up I heard from the Lord not to worry about it; I wouldn't do anything, HE would do it all! We went to the hospital today for the test. The results should be in and she should be able to meet with her doctor in the next day or two. Another awesome part of this story is that she has been able to share her faith. When they told her how much the test would cost they figured they would never see her again. She told them she would be back. She said the Lord had told her everything was going to be fine. She had faith that God would provide a way. When she went to make her appointment yesterday they were VERY surprised to see her. She was able to tell them about her gift from GOD!

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